Edit on Github- the process of giving careful thought to something
- Pos: noun
- information that should be kept in mind when making a decision
- Pos: noun
- a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting)
- Pos: noun
- kind and considerate regard for others
- Pos: noun
- a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone
- Pos: noun
- a considerate and thoughtful act
- Pos: noun
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Edit on Github- بدل
- وجه التزام يا خسارت تاديه يا خسارت عدم انجام تعهد که در عقود و ايقاعات تعيين مى شود و يا به طور کلى ضمانت اجراى عقد و تعهد
- عوض يا عوضين( در معاملات و تعهدات)
- تامل
- پاداش
- غرامت
- جايزه
- ملاحظه
- رسيدگى
- توجه
- مراعات