Edit on Github- a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number
- Pos: noun
- a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts
- Pos: noun
- a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
- Pos: noun
- an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed
- Pos: noun
- the finger next to the thumb
- Pos: noun
- list in an index
- Pos: verb
- provide with an index
- Pos: verb
- adjust through indexation
- Pos: verb
loading ...فارسی
Edit on Github- زيرنويس
- زيرنويسى
- فهرست اعلام
- اندکس
- نما( در رياضى)
- خط شاخص
- شاخص( در امار)
- :)n.(راهنما(مثلا در جدول و پرونده)
- شاخص
- (درکتاب )جاانگشتى
- نمايه
- راهنماى موضوعات
- فهرست راهنما
- :)vt.& vi.(داراى فهرست کردن
- بفهرست دراوردن
- نشان دادن
- بصورت الفبايى( چيزى را )مرتب کر دن