Edit on Github- a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal)
- Pos: noun
- a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation
- Pos: noun
- the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc.
- Pos: noun
- a chart or graph showing the movements or progress of an object
- Pos: noun
- plan secretly, usually something illegal
- Pos: verb
- make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows interactions among variables or how something is constructed
- Pos: verb
- make a plat of
- Pos: verb
- devise the sequence of events in (a literary work or a play, movie, or ballet)
- Pos: verb
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Edit on Github- نمودار
- سنگ وسط چهارراه
- بردن نقاط روى طرح
- ثبت مسير يا نقاط
- تعيين کردن محل هدف يا دشمن روى نقشه
- رسم کردن مسير حرکت روى نقشه
- رسم نمودن
- موضوع اصلى
- دسيسه
- قطعه
- نقطه
- موقعيت
- نقشه کشيدن
- طرح ريزى کردن
- توطئه چيدن
- رسم کردن
- کشيدن